Mumbai, June 6 (IANS) Actor Sidharth Malhotra has showered heaps of love on his wife actress Kiara Advani as he shared the trailer of her upcoming film 'Satyaprem Ki Katha' on his social media.
Sidharth took to his Instagram story, where he gave a shout-out to Kiara, who plays Katha and Kartik Aaryan, who essays Satyaprem in the upcoming film.
The actor reposted the trailer on his social media and wrote: "Trailer looks lovely Ki. Can't wait to meet Katha. Good luck to you and the team!"
The film revolves around Satyaprem, who is desperate to get married and finds true love in Kiara's character of Katha. The film gets its title from its lead characters and their love story.
Produced by NGE and Namah Pictures, 'Satyaprem Ki Katha' is a musical drama. It has been directed by Sameer Vidwans, and also stars Gajraj Rao and Supriya Pathak.
The film is set to debut in cinemas on June 29.
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